Build a Niche Site

A Niche Site is a website that is laser focused and delivers specific information that is unique and useful to the reader. For example, if you were interested in dog training, a niche site could be made for an electronic dog collar or tracking devices. A subject that would be very targeted to specific search terms.

The goal of a Niche Site is to offer as much useful information to the reader as possible, this will keep the website visitor engaged and keep them coming back. This can be done with a blog post, product reviews, and/or videos that are relevant to what they are searching for.  This will make Google happy and in return rank your site and send you free traffic.

Once the website starts to get free traffic, its time to monetize it. This can be done with Google AdSense, Amazon Affiliate, Clickbank, or any specific company that has an affiliate program(most of them do).

Electrical Contractor Savings is an example of an Amazon Affiliate site I started about (2) weeks ago. (This is a work in progress). I chose this niche because I am an Electrical Contractor by trade and I have experience in that field.

So, information that is unique, useful, engaging and keeps readers returning is what will make a Niche Website successful.

Successful Niche Site Building in 4 Steps

1) Domain Name- This is how people will find you online also known as an URL. I highly recommend a brandable and professional sounding dot com name. For example, a site about electronic dog collars would sound more appealing and memorable with than I purchase my domains at Wealthy Affiliate.

2) Hosting- That is where your website is stored (hosted) and where you point your Domain to. This is needed in order to launch your site. There are many hosting providers out there, however, I use Wealthy Affiliate because it is included in my membership and has been very reliable.

3) Theme- I use WordPress for all my sites because it is so easy to use and can be installed with one click by using Wealthy Affiliate. You just pick a theme,which is a website design template (there are over 3000 to choose from) and have a professional looking site within seconds.

4) Content- The Most Important part of the website.

A) Find out what people are looking for with Long Tail Keywords and Google’s Keyword Search Tool

B) Write for your reader. Google tracks how long a visitor stays on your site, the longer the better, so keep them    engaged.

C) Stay focused, every post should be clear and relevant to the long tail keywords you have chosen. Too often people stray or go off on a tangent that has nothing to do with what the reader was looking for.

Why Wealthy Affiliate?

The reason I use Wealthy Affiliate is because its a one stop shop for all my needs. I buy my Domain, the hosting is included for up to 50 sites for premium members,  have over 3000 themes to choose from, step by step tutorials, and 100,000’s of mentors to help and answer any questions I may have.  Here’s a breakdown of features and costs between the FREE and Premium Membership Options: